United States History to 1877 (duży format)

Arnold S. Rice, John A. Krout, C. M. Harris

United States History to 1877 (duży format)

Cena: 44,00 

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Book description


1. Europe and the New World
2. English Colonization in North America
3. Provincial America
4. American Colonies in the British Empire
5. The American Revolution and the Confederation
6. Framing and Implementing the Constitution
7. Jeffersonian Republicanism
8. The Awakening of American Nationalism
9. Jacksonian Democracy and Whig Opposition
10. American Society at Mid-century
11. Territorial Expansion and Sectional Conflict
12. Civil War
13. Reconstruction and Reunion
Appendix A: The Declaration of Independence
Appendix B: Articles of Confederation
Appendix C: The Constitution of the United States of America
Appendix D: Index Guide to the Constitution
Appendix E: The Federalist No. 10
Appendix F: The Monroe Doctrine
Appendix G: Women’s Rights
Appendix H: The Emancipation Proclamation

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