The Fifteen Streets

Catherine Cookson

The Fifteen Streets

Cena: 7,00 

Stan książki
średni/wyraźne zużycie (pożółkłe strony, zagniecenia i wytarcia na okładce, częściowo zawinięte rogi)
Nr katalogowy
Liczba stron
Rok wydania

Pozostało tylko: 1

Book description

          John O’Brien lives in a world where surviving is a continual struggle. He works long hours at the docks to help support his parents’ large family. Many other families in the Fifteen Streets have already given up and descended into a dismal state of grinding poverty, but the O’Briens continue to strive for a world they are only rarely allowed to glimpse.

          Then John O’Brien meets Mary Llewellyn, a beautiful young teacher who belongs to that other world. What begins as a casual conversation over tea quickly blossoms into a rare love that should have been perfect. Fate steps in, however, when John is accused of fathering the child of a local girl, and Mary’s parents forbid her to see him. The couple begins to realize that the gulf of the Fifteen Streets between them is a chasm they could never bridge-or might they still find a way? 

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