Teamwork 4 Student’s Book (duży format)

David Spencer

Teamwork 4 Student’s Book (duży format)

Cena: 18,00 

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Pozostało tylko: 1

Book description

Teamwork is a stimulating and exciting course for young learners of English.

Personal development
– Students find out about different cultures and contrast them with their own.
– Activities encourage students to evaluate the world around them.
– Students learn to co-operate through interaction.

– Project lessons allow students to bring their own experiences and opinions into the classroom.
– Engaging topics stimulate students’ interest.

Mixed ability
– Extra tasks for tasks finishers help the teacher with classrooom management.

Learning skills
– Learning to learn lessons help students to look at how they learn and introduce them to new strategies.

New language
– Grammar, functions and vocabulary are always presented through communicative contexts.
– Students investigate target language by solving clues and drawing conclusions.
– Students focus on different lexical systems through the Investigating Vocabulary sections.

– Skills lessons integrate the 4 skills using a wide variety of text types and help students become good readers, writers, listeners and speakers.
– New Writing sections encourage students to analyse texts and produce a wide variety of written forms.

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