The Total Look: The Style Guide for Hair and Make-Up Professionals (duży format)

Ian Mistlin

The Total Look: The Style Guide for Hair and Make-Up Professionals (duży format)

Cena: 23,50 

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średni/wyraźne zużycie (duży format, zagięcia i zagniecenia na okładce, ucięty róg pierwszej kartki i litera napisana flamastrem)
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Pozostało tylko: 1

Book description

          Image and looks matter. In society we respond to first impressions and powerful imagery. Although beauty is more than skin deep we seek out beautiful and stylish people. 

          The Total Look develops potential. It is the style guide for hair and make-up professionals who want to develop their skills as advisers, designers and artists, and who want to know how to develop a client’s style potential and looks. The Total Look explains how to assess the client and their needs and then compose and create looks that are aesthetically suitable and technically sound. 

          Recognising the importance of creating quality images for PR, editorial or advertising purposes, Ian Mistlin also explains how to develop photographic imagery and concludes with a gallery of inspiring images and insights from contributing artists. 

          Topics include: 
– Image and appearance
– Developing creativity
– Hair, design and style recommendations
– Photoshoot, tips and techniques
– Exploring art, style and design
– Understanding colour
– Mastering make-up and finishing hair
– Fashion styling for make-overs. 

          Ian Mistlin draws on a wealth of experience as a former stylist and manager with Vidal Sassoon, as a session hair and make-up artist and as an image consultant.

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