Constitutional and Administrative Law, Second Edition (duży format)

Hilaire Barnett

Constitutional and Administrative Law, Second Edition (duży format)

Cena: 48,00 

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Pozostało tylko: 1

Book description

          The second edition of Constitutional and Administrative Law is published at a time of substantial constitutional reform in the United Kingdom. The textbook seeks to provide an exposition of the major features of the United Kingdom’s constitution and to incorporate recent developments. Reforms, both recently effected and proposed, include "incorporation" of the European Convention on Human Rights into domestic law, the devolution of power to a Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly, reform of the House of Lords, potential reform of the electoral system and the introduction of freedom of information legislation, and the recent Northern Ireland settlement. Each of these issues is discussed in the text.

          In the first two Parts of the book, the structure of the United Kingdom, the sources of the constitution and the fundamental concepts, without which there can be no understanding of the contemporary constitution, are analysed. In Part III, the aims, institutions, legal framework and constitutional law of the European Community and European Union and the relationship between the Community and the constitution of the United Kingdom are examined. Parts IV and V are devoted to the structure os government, central, regional and local. The procedures and privileges of Parliament are also examined in this Part of the book. Part VI concentrates on the protection of individual citizen’s liberties and rights, both under English law and under the European Convention on Human Rights. State security and emergency powers and the manner in which such powers affect individuals are also considered. Part VII is devoted to an introduction to administrative law. Judicial review of administrative action is analysed and the role of Commissioners for Administration discussed.

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