The Change Master: Managing and Adapting to Organisational Change (duży format)

Mitch McCrimmon

The Change Master: Managing and Adapting to Organisational Change (duży format)

Cena: 37,00 

Stan książki
dobry (z tyłu pieczątka, pożółkłe strony, duży format)
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Pozostało tylko: 1

Book description

          Managers must be capable of facing and responding to the fast rate of external change, which at times verges on chaos. Managers also need to adopt a pro-active stance by sensing and predicting change in their area. The Change Master focuses specifically on building up your ability to not only cope with change, but to relish it as a challenging and exciting part of your work.

          This interactive book builds into a self-developed learning programme. It is packed with case studies, examples and self-tests, enabling you to construct personal strategies to master change. The Change Master will help you both to adjust to inevitable change and become more perceptive about future changes; ahead of the crowd.

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