Trends 2000: How to Prepare and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century (duży format)

Gerald Celente

Trends 2000: How to Prepare and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century (duży format)

Cena: 25,00 

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Pozostało tylko: 1

Book description

          In this remarkable guide, the author identifies today’s hidden, influential trends and reveals how they’ll shape the events of the coming century.

          What hails the future? Rather than mere forecasting based on intelligent guesses, author Celente presents a solid, substantive analysis of major national and international forces that will help readers make profitable business, career, or personal decisions for the future. The founder of Trends Research Institute, he focuses here on the interconnectedness of these trends rather than specialized expert predictions. Celente uses a curious past-perfect tense, writing as if it were January 1, 2000, describing events that "have happened," a style that may confuse some readers. Just a few of the cited "trendposts" include the perfection of the video phone, longevity centers, a stronger emphasis on weight control, clean water and food, life-extension services, microfarms, and more home businesses. 

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